Wednesday 23 January 2013

Some Web Design methods which should be no longer alive

The design for websites changes at a remarkable rate. Some of are really slow to adopt new standards and techniques. But these are the methods that should be no longer alive.

1)    As a new comer to the web, you won’t be able to understand Image maps. Very small quantity of websites still uses this luckily. It can be beneficial for real maps of locations. The bad situations proceed when several web designers started accepting Image maps as the navigation on a website which creates a problem and for large images pages are loading nonchalantly.

2)    The awful thing was a menu that called for the Java plug-in before load it. Very small quantity of websites still uses this luckily. There are huge possible choices for these menus like CSS or JavaScript plus CSS which are more approachable and manageable to assemble

3)    Another bad thing is Flash-only sites. If your system is unable to support this you will get massage to install this. This creates loosing consumers for your website.

These are some above things which need to avoid for your web designing. The best types of website would be where page should be loaded fast, no issue harassed your customers. There are lots of new techniques are available now which can make your web design service more good than before.


  1. The post has excellent tips which are useful. this post is good in regards of both knowledge as well as information. web design development companies.Bangalore Web Designing

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